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Almeley Primary and Little Elms Nursery

Welcome to Class 3

In Class 3, we are a wonderful class of 22 children in a mixed group of Year 5 and Year 6. Mrs Verrier is the classroom teacher, who believes that ‘happy children learn best’ so strives to create a safe and engaging classroom for all of her learners with the support of our enthusiastic teaching assistant, who helps support children throughout the morning during core subjects and with additional classroom interventions.

We love to engage our minds with a broad and balanced curriculum and are very fortunate to have weekly visits from Mr Weepkin our music teacher, who embeds the skill of learning a new instrument each year. Alongside our P.E coaches, who allow us to develop our practical skills through a wide range of sports throughout the year.

The children take part in weekly visits to our school library, which helps to instill a love of books and reading for pleasure across the key stage.

 Here in Class 3, children develop their independence, resilience and confidence as learners and encounter exciting topics as part of our curriculum. We aim to create a fun and engaging classroom environment where we celebrate everyone’s values and opinions; children relish the challenges and responsibilities that come with being at the upper end of key stage 2.



2025 key stage 2 national curriculum tests information for parents.pdf